

  • Name: legend of Flaxfield Itoera, Iteke
  • Sex: female
  • Place of birth: Belgium
  • First generation descendant: the netherlands- Latvia
  • Description:

Itoera is a young female from 3 years old now, but in the litter got our special attention because of her will to please and attachment to humans. She is very social and friends with everyone. She loves other dogs and even encourages the grumpy ones to play with her. She is part of our pack, but lives with Carmen and Walter. It is Carmen and Walters second Laika. She is almost fulltime together with Carmen and perfect for accompanying her everywhere she goes. The next description is from Carmen and Walter:

Hello to Belgium,

  • Finally a description of our laika-girl
  • Name: I’m called Itoera
  • Born: 12-04-2009 in Belgium
  • Height: 54 cm
  • Weight: 19,7 kg
  • Hair colour: wolfgray/ lang stock hair
  • Place: Xanten

Hobby’s: sleeping, playing, eating, caring, watching and sometimes ruff games with other dogs (but only if they annoy me) Driving in the car for hours. Itoera is a clever dog girl with al the characteristics of a Laika. She is very attached to people, but also likes to go on her own, which she immediately stops if you cal her (this was different with our male Irbis) She reacts sensitive if not treated right, If loud discussions she withdraws in her dog bed. She loves to sleep when being inside the house. She can play for hours in the garden. Retrieving balls and other things are in favour. Swimming belongs to her daily activities. She is very social with other dogs, never looks for a fight and loves the contact to others (doesn’t matter male or female). On the other hand, if attacked, she shows her independence and initiative and quickly arranges everything. She quickly becomes a big girl. She is treated with respect by the village dogs. She loves other people as long as they are not to hectic, in that case she withdraws her selves. Well, the PERFECT DOG! Clever and trainable, Inside very quiet, accepts anything you say (furniture, clothing, ect. everything in original condition). Always possible to accompany you, business, meetings, banking, lawyers, never a problem. She lies down and waits until everything is arranged. Outside she is very active and likes al sports activities: bicycle tours, swimming, jogging, climbing, search games, …most important being with her people that’s all! The only problem is, she does not like to stay with strangers, not even with my mother. She likes them, but does not like to stay. She takes a titbit from the door, but would not like to go inside, imagine the door will close. So if we can’t take her with us, we leave her in our garden or in our house. We let Itoera walk of leash in the forest at al time of the year. Although she notices everything, she stays with her humans without problems, just great.

So this is our Laika girl, a mix between her mother and father. It is beautiful that we have her with us, thanks a lot.

Carmen and Walter

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